#3226: DOC: Change nb and na to conventional m and n
#3867: allow cKDTree.query taking a list input in k.
#4191: ENH: Benchmarking global optimizers
#4356: ENH: add PPoly.solve(y) for solving p(x) == y
#4370: DOC separate boolean distance functions for clarity
#4678: BUG: sparse: ensure index dtype is large enough to pass all parameters…
#4881: scipy.signal: Add the class dlti for linear discrete-time systems….
#4901: MAINT: add benchmark and improve docstring for signal.lfilter
#5043: ENH: sparse: add count_nonzero method
#5136: Attribute kurtosistest() to Anscombe & Glynn (1983)
#5186: ENH: Port upfirdn
#5232: ENH: adding spherical Voronoi diagram algorithm to scipy.spatial
#5279: ENH: Bessel filters with different normalizations, high order
#5384: BUG: Closes #5027 distance function always casts bool to double
#5392: ENH: Add zero_phase kwarg to signal.decimate
#5394: MAINT: sparse: non-canonical test cleanup and fixes
#5424: DOC: add Scipy developers guide
#5442: STY: PEP8 amendments
#5472: Online QR in LGMRES
#5526: BUG: stats: Fix broadcasting in the rvs() method of the distributions.
#5530: MAINT: sparse: set format attr explicitly
#5536: optimize: fix up cg/bfgs initial step sizes
#5548: PERF: improves performance in stats.kendalltau
#5549: ENH: Nearest-neighbor chain algorithm for hierarchical clustering
#5554: MAINT/BUG: closes overflow bug in stats.tiecorrect
#5557: BUG: modify optimize.bisect to achieve desired tolerance
#5581: DOC: Tutorial for least_squares
#5606: ENH: differential_evolution - moving core loop of solve method…
#5609: [MRG] test against numpy dev
#5611: use setuptools for bdist_egg distributions
#5615: MAINT: linalg: tighten _decomp_update + special: remove unused…
#5622: Add SO(N) rotation matrix generator
#5623: ENH: special: Add vectorized spherical Bessel functions.
#5627: Response to issue #5160, implements the skew normal distribution…
#5628: DOC: Align the description and operation
#5632: DOC: special: Expanded docs for Airy, elliptic, Bessel functions.
#5633: MAINT: linalg: unchecked malloc in _decomp_update
#5634: MAINT: optimize: tighten _group_columns
#5640: Fixes for io.netcdf masking
#5645: MAINT: size 0 vector handling in cKDTree range queries
#5649: MAINT: update license text
#5650: DOC: Clarify Exponent Order in ltisys.py
#5651: DOC: Clarify Documentation for scipy.special.gammaln
#5652: DOC: Fixed scipy.special.betaln Doc
#5653: [MRG] ENH: CubicSpline interpolator
#5654: ENH: Burr12 distribution to stats module
#5659: DOC: Define BEFORE/AFTER in runtests.py -h for bench-compare
#5660: MAINT: remove functions deprecated before 0.16.0
#5662: ENH: Circular statistic optimization
#5663: MAINT: remove uses of np.testing.rand
#5665: MAINT: spatial: remove matching distance implementation
#5667: Change some HTTP links to HTTPS
#5669: DOC: zpk2sos can’t do analog, array_like, etc.
#5670: Update conf.py
#5672: MAINT: move a sample distribution to a subclass of rv_discrete
#5678: MAINT: stats: remove est_loc_scale method
#5679: MAINT: DRY up generic computations for discrete distributions
#5680: MAINT: stop shadowing builtins in stats.distributions
#5681: forward port ENH: Re-enable broadcasting of fill_value
#5684: BUG: Fix Akima1DInterpolator returning nans
#5690: BUG: fix stats.ttest_ind_from_stats to handle arrays.
#5691: BUG: fix generator in io._loadarff to comply with PEP 0479
#5693: ENH: use math.factorial for exact factorials
#5695: DOC: dx might be a float, not only an integer
#5699: MAINT: io: micro-optimize Matlab reading code for size
#5701: Implement OptimizeResult.__dir__
#5703: ENH: stats: make R² printing optional in probplot
#5704: MAINT: typo ouf->out
#5705: BUG: fix typo in query_pairs
#5707: DOC:Add some explanation for ftol xtol in scipy.optimize.fmin
#5708: DOC: optimize: PEP8 minimize docstring
#5709: MAINT: optimize Cython code for speed and size
#5713: [DOC] Fix broken link to reference
#5717: DOC: curve_fit raises RuntimeError on failure.
#5724: forward port gh-5720
#5728: STY: remove a blank line
#5729: ENH: spatial: speed up boolean distances
#5732: MAINT: differential_evolution changes to default keywords break…
#5733: TST: differential_evolution - population initiation tests
#5736: Complex number support in log1p, expm1, and xlog1py
#5741: MAINT: sparse: clean up extraction functions
#5742: DOC: signal: Explain fftbins in get_window
#5748: ENH: Add O(N) random matrix generator
#5749: ENH: Add polyphase resampling
#5756: RFC: Bump the minimum numpy version, drop older python versions
#5761: DOC: Some improvements to least squares docstrings
#5762: MAINT: spatial: distance refactoring
#5768: DOC: Fix io.loadmat docstring for mdict param
#5770: BUG: Accept anything np.dtype can handle for a dtype in sparse.random
#5772: Update sparse.csgraph.laplacian docstring
#5777: BUG: fix special.hyp0f1 to work correctly for complex inputs.
#5780: DOC: Update PIL error install URL
#5781: DOC: Fix documentation on solve_discrete_lyapunov
#5782: DOC: cKDTree and KDTree now reference each other
#5783: DOC: Clarify finish behaviour in scipy.optimize.brute
#5784: MAINT: Change default tolerances of least_squares to 1e-8
#5787: BUG: Allow Processing of Zero Order State Space Models in signal.ss2tf
#5788: DOC, BUG: Clarify and Enforce Input Types to ‘Data’ Objects
#5789: ENH: sparse: speedup LIL matrix slicing (was #3338)
#5791: DOC: README: remove coveralls.io
#5792: MAINT: remove uses of deprecated np.random.random_integers
#5794: fix affine_transform (fixes #1547 and #5702)
#5795: DOC: Removed uniform method from kmeans2 doc
#5797: DOC: Clarify the computation of weighted minkowski
#5798: BUG: Ensure scipy’s _asfarray returns ndarray
#5799: TST: Mpmath testing patch
#5801: allow reading of certain IDL 8.0 .sav files
#5803: DOC: fix module name in error message
#5804: DOC: special: Expanded docs for special functions.
#5805: DOC: Fix order of returns in _spectral_helper
#5806: ENH: sparse: vectorized coo_matrix.diagonal
#5808: ENH: Added iqr function to compute IQR metric in scipy/stats/stats.py
#5810: MAINT/BENCH: sparse: Benchmark cleanup and additions
#5811: DOC: sparse.linalg: shape, not size
#5813: Update sparse ARPACK functions min ncv value
#5815: BUG: Error message contained wrong values
#5816: remove dead code from stats tests
#5820: “in”->”a” in order_filter docstring
#5821: DOC: README: INSTALL.txt was renamed in 2014
#5825: DOC: typo in the docstring of least_squares
#5826: MAINT: sparse: increase test coverage
#5827: NdPPoly rebase
#5828: Improve numerical stability of hyp0f1 for large orders
#5829: ENH: sparse: Add copy parameter to all .toXXX() methods in sparse…
#5830: DOC: rework INSTALL.rst.txt
#5831: Adds plotting options to voronoi_plot_2d
#5834: Update stats.binom_test() docstring
#5836: ENH, TST: Allow SIMO tf’s for tf2ss
#5837: DOC: Image examples
#5838: ENH: sparse: add eliminate_zeros() to coo_matrix
#5839: BUG: Fixed name of NumpyVersion.__repr__
#5845: MAINT: Fixed typos in documentation
#5847: Fix bugs in sparsetools
#5848: BUG: sparse.linalg: add locks to ensure ARPACK threadsafety
#5849: ENH: sparse.linalg: upgrade to superlu 5.1.1
#5851: ENH: expose lapack’s ilaver to python to allow lapack verion…
#5852: MAINT: runtests.py: ensure Ctrl-C interrupts the build
#5854: DOC: Minor update to documentation
#5855: Pr 5640
#5859: ENH: Add random correlation matrix generator
#5862: BUG: Allow expm for complex matrix with shape (1, 1)
#5863: FIX: Fix test
#5864: DOC: add a little note about the Normal survival function (Q-function)
#5867: Fix for #5865
#5869: extend normal distribution cdf to complex domain
#5872: DOC: Note that morlet and cwt don’t work together
#5875: DOC: interp2d class description
#5876: MAINT: spatial: remove a stray print statement
#5878: MAINT: Fixed noisy UserWarnings in ndimage tests. Fixes #5877
#5879: MAINT: sparse.linalg/superlu: add explicit casts to resolve compiler…
#5880: MAINT: signal: import gcd from math and not fractions when on…
#5887: Neldermead initial simplex
#5894: BUG: _CustomLinearOperator unpickalable in python3.5
#5895: DOC: special: slightly improve the multigammaln docstring
#5900: Remove duplicate assignment.
#5901: Update bundled ARPACK
#5904: ENH: Make convolve and correlate order-agnostic
#5905: ENH: sparse.linalg: further LGMRES cleanups
#5906: scipy.integrate 中的增強功能與清理 (第二次嘗試)
#5907: ENH: 更改稀疏矩陣 sum 和 mean 的 dtype 轉換以匹配…
#5909: convolution 對稱性的變更
#5913: MAINT: basinhopping 移除實例測試,關閉 #5440
#5919: MAINT: 如果 basinhopping niter=0,則為未初始化的變數。關閉 #5915
#5920: BLD: 修復 MKL 缺少 lsame.c 錯誤
#5921: DOC: interpolate: 新增範例展示如何解決問題…
#5926: MAINT: spatial: 升級至 Qhull 2015.2
#5928: MAINT: sparse: 優化 DIA sum/diagonal, csgraph.laplacian
#5929: 更新 octave-maintainers 討論的資訊/URL
#5930: TST: special: 靜音來自 sph_yn 的 DeprecationWarnings
#5931: ENH: 實作 Gamma 函數對數的主分支。
#5934: 錯字: “mush” => “must”
#5935: BUG: 字串比較 stats._binned_statistic 關閉 #5927
#5938: Cythonize stats.ks_2samp 以獲得約 33% 的速度提升。
#5939: DOC: 修復 optimize.fmin 收斂 docstring
#5941: 修復 squareform docstring 中的小錯字
#5942: 更新 linregress stderr 描述。
#5943: ENH: 提高 lognorm 的數值準確度
#5944: 將 vonmises 合併到 stats pyx
#5945: MAINT: interpolate: 調整宣告以避免 cython 警告…
#5946: MAINT: sparse: 清理格式轉換方法
#5949: BUG: 修復 sparse .mean 以返回純量而不是矩陣
#5955: MAINT: 將對 hanning 的呼叫替換為 hann
#5956: DOC: 遺失句點干擾解析
#5958: MAINT: 為 lognorm.sf underflow 新增測試
#5961: MAINT _centered(): 將 size 重新命名為 shape
#5962: ENH: constants: 新增多尺度溫度轉換函數
#5965: ENH: special: 更快的方式計算 comb() for exact=True
#5975: ENH: 改善 signal.decimate 的 FIR 路徑
#5977: MAINT/BUG: sparse: 移除過於熱心的 bmat 檢查
#5978: minimize_neldermead() 在使用者要求的 maxiter 或 maxfev 停止
#5983: ENH: 使稀疏矩陣 sum 像 NumPy sum 一樣轉換 32 位元 dtype…
#5985: BUG, API: 為 curve_fit 新增 jac 參數
#5989: ENH: 新增 firls 最小平方擬合
#5990: BUG: read 嘗試處理 20 位元 WAV 檔案,但不應該
#5991: DOC: 清理 wav 讀取/寫入文件並為常見類型新增表格
#5994: ENH: 為 svd 新增 gesvd 方法
#5996: MAINT: Wave 清理
#5997: TST: 分解 upfirdn 測試 & 與 lfilter 比較
#6001: 濾波器設計文件
#6002: COMPAT: 擴展 compatibility fromnumeric.py
#6007: ENH: 在 freqresp 中跳過 TF 到 TF 的轉換
#6009: DOC: 修復 entr, rel_entr, kl_div 的 incorrect versionadded
#6013: 修復 von Mises 分佈的熵計算。
#6014: MAINT: 使 gamma, rgamma 為複數參數使用 loggamma
#6020: WIP: ENH: 為向量新增 exact=True factorial
#6022: 將 ‘lanczos’ 新增到影像插值函數列表。
#6024: BUG: optimize: 當沒有約束條件時,SLSQP 中不要使用虛設約束條件…
#6025: ENH: ODE 系統的邊界值問題求解器
#6029: MAINT: optimize._lsq 的未來匯入
#6030: ENH: stats.trap - 新增梯形分佈,關閉 #6028
#6031: MAINT: 對 optimize._numdiff 的一些改進
#6032: MAINT: 將 special/_comb.c 新增到 .gitignore
#6033: BUG: 檢查 interpolative.svd 中請求的近似秩
#6034: DOC: stats.py 中 mannwhitneyu 的文件已更正
#6040: FIX: 編輯 f_oneway 中的錯誤連結
#6044: BUG: (ordqz) 始終將參數 lwork 增加 1。
#6047: ENH: 將 special.spence 擴展到複數參數。
#6049: DOC: 將 PR #5640 的文件新增到 0.18.0 發行說明
#6050: MAINT: 與 loggamma 相關的小清理
#6070: 在 wilcoxon 中新增 asarray 以明確地將列表轉換為 numpy 陣列…
#6071: DOC: antialiasing filter 和連結 decimate resample 等。
#6075: MAINT: 為複數參數重新實作 special.digamma
#6080: 避免 kstest 中的多次計算
#6081: 釐清 pearson correlation 傳回值
#6085: ENH: 允許在 spsolve() 中使用 umfpack 的稀疏矩陣的長索引
#6086: 修復相關 Laguerre 多項式的描述
#6087: 更正 splrep 的 docstring。
#6094: ENH: special: 將 zeta 簽名變更為 zeta(x, q=1)
#6095: BUG: 修復 special.spence 中的整數溢位
#6106: 已修復 Issue #6105
#6116: BUG: 矩陣對數邊緣案例
#6119: TST: stats 在 python 3.5 上的 DeprecationWarnings 關閉 #5885
#6120: MAINT: sparse: 清理 sputils.isintlike
#6122: DOC: optimize: linprog 文件應說明最小化而不是最大化
#6123: DOC: optimize: 文件化 scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult
中的 fun 欄位
#6124: 將 FFT 零填充計算從 signaltools 移至 fftpack
#6125: MAINT: 改善 a ~ x
區域中的 special.gammainc。
#6130: BUG: sparse: 修復 COO 點積與零列的問題
#6138: ENH: stats: 改善 genextreme.sf 和 genextreme.isf 的行為
#6146: MAINT: 簡化 expit 實作
#6151: MAINT: special: 使 generate_ufuncs.py 輸出確定性
#6152: TST: special: 更好的 gammainc 大參數測試
#6153: ENH: 使 next_fast_len 公開且更快
#6154: 修復錯字 “mush”–>”must”
#6155: DOC: 修復一些不正確的 RST 定義列表
#6160: 使 logsumexp 在遮罩陣列上產生錯誤
#6161: 在 rosen 文件中新增遺失的括號
#6163: ENH: 新增 “kappa4” 和 “kappa3” 分佈。
#6164: DOC: integrate._bvp 中的小清理
#6169: 修復 mpf_assert_allclose 以處理可迭代結果,例如 maps
#6170: 修復 pchip_interpolate 便利函數
#6172: 更正 doc string 中錯放的括號
#6175: ENH: sparse.csgraph: 將索引傳遞給 shortest_path
#6178: TST: 增加廣義極值分佈的 sf 和 isf 的測試覆蓋率…
#6179: TST: 避免來自 numpy 的棄用警告
#6181: ENH: CubicSpline 的邊界條件
#6182: DOC: 為 max_len_seq 新增範例/圖表
#6183: BLD: 更新 Bento 建置設定檔以符合最近的變更。
#6184: BUG: 修復 io/wavfile 中 float96 輸入的問題。
#6186: ENH: PPoly 和 BPoly 的週期性外插
#6192: MRG: 新增 circle-CI
#6193: ENH: sparse: 避免 setitem 稠密化
#6196: 修復 cdist 中 Mahalanobis 距離的 docstring 中遺失的 sqrt,…
#6206: MAINT: solve_bvp 中的小變更
#6207: BUG: linalg: 對於 BLAS,將 complex256 向下轉換為 complex128,而不是…
#6209: BUG: io.matlab: 避免 read_element_into 中的緩衝區溢位
#6210: BLD: 建置時使用 setuptools。
#6214: BUG: sparse.linalg: 修復 LGMRES 分解處理中的錯誤
#6215: MAINT: special: 使 loggamma 使用 zdiv
#6220: DOC: 新增參數
#6221: ENH: 改善 solve_bvp 的 Newton 求解器
#6223: pchip 應適用於長度為 2 的陣列
#6224: signal.lti: 棄用跨類別屬性/設定器
#6229: BUG: optimize: 避免 Newton-CG 中的無限迴圈
#6230: 為 gaussian filter 的應用新增範例
#6236: MAINT: gumbel_l 準確度
#6237: MAINT: rayleigh 準確度
#6238: MAINT: logistic 準確度
#6239: MAINT: bradford 分佈準確度
#6240: MAINT: 避免由於 maxfun 中斷導致 l-bfgs-b 中的錯誤 fmin
#6241: MAINT: weibull_min 準確度
#6246: ENH: 為分佈新增 _support_mask
#6247: 修復 ode 範例的列印錯誤
#6249: MAINT: 將 stats.probplot 的 x 軸標籤變更為 “theoretical…
#6250: DOC: 修復錯字
#6251: MAINT: constants: 從已棄用的轉換中篩選出測試雜訊
#6252: MAINT: io/arff: 移除未使用的變數
#6253: 為 scipy.ndimage.filters 新增範例
#6254: MAINT: special: 修復一些建置警告
#6258: MAINT: inverse gamma 分佈準確度
#6260: MAINT: signal.decimate - 使用離散時間物件
#6262: BUG: odr: 修復字串格式化
#6267: TST: 修復 interpolate 和 stats 中的一些測試問題。
#6269: TST: 修復測試套件中的一些警告
#6274: ENH: 新增 sosfiltfilt
#6276: DOC: 更新 0.18.0 的發行說明
#6277: MAINT: 更新作者姓名映射
#6282: DOC: 更正 scipy.stats.normaltest 的參考文獻
#6283: DOC: 更多新增到 0.18.0 發行說明。
#6284: 為 loggamma 新增 versionadded:: 指令。
#6285: BUG: stats: multivariate_normal docstring 中的不一致性…
#6290: 將作者列表、gh-lists 新增到 0.18.0 發行說明
#6293: TST: special: 放寬測試的精確度
#6295: BUG: sparse: 停止比較 bsr_matrix 建構子中的 None 和 int
#6313: MAINT: 修復 python 3.5 travis-ci 建置問題。
#6327: TST: signal: 使用 assert_allclose 測試近乎相等性…
#6330: BUG: spatial/qhull: 通過 malloc 分配 qhT 以確保 CRT 喜歡…
#6332: TST: 修復 stats.iqr 測試以不發出警告,並修復行長度。
#6334: MAINT: special: 修復 hyp0f1 的測試
#6347: TST: spatial.qhull: 跳過 32 位元平台上的測試
#6350: BUG: optimize/slsqp: 不要覆寫超出範圍的陣列
#6351: BUG: #6318 Interp1d ‘nearest’ 整數 x 軸溢位問題已修復
#6355: 0.18.0 的 Backports