SciPy 1.2.1 是一個錯誤修復版本,與 1.2.0 相比沒有新功能。最重要的是,它解決了 1.2.0 無法從原始碼在 Python 2.7 上安裝的問題,因為非 ASCII 字元問題。
同樣值得注意的是,SciPy 1.2.1 wheels 是使用 OpenBLAS 建置的,這可能會緩解在 SciPy 1.2.0 中觀察到的一些線性代數問題。
Eric Larson
Mark Mikofski
Evgeni Burovski
Ralf Gommers
Eric Moore
Tyler Reddy
#9606: SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character ‘xe2’ in file scipy/stats/ on line 3346, but no encoding declared
#9608: Version 1.2.0 introduces too many indices for array error in…
#9709: scipy.stats.gaussian_kde normalizes the weights keyword argument…
#9733: scipy.linalg.qr_update gives NaN result
#9724: CI: Is scipy.scipy Windows Python36-32bit-full working?
#9612: BUG: don’t use array newton unless size is greater than 1
#9615: ENH: Add test for encoding
#9720: BUG: stats: weighted KDE does not modify the weights array
#9739: BUG: qr_updates fails if u is exactly in span Q
#9725: TST: pin mingw for Azure Win CI
#9736: TST: adjust to vmImage dispatch in Azure
#9681: BUG: Fix failing stats tests (partial backport)
#9662: TST: interpolate: avoid pytest deprecations