SciPy 1.2.3 版本發行說明#
SciPy 1.2.3 是一個錯誤修正版本,相較於 1.2.2 沒有新增功能。它是 Python 2.7 長期支援 (LTS) 版本系列的一部分。
Geordie McBain
Matt Haberland
David Hagen
Tyler Reddy
Pauli Virtanen
Eric Larson
Yu Feng
Nikolay Mayorov
Evgeni Burovski
Warren Weckesser
1.2.3 版本已關閉的問題#
#4915: 中 unique_roots 對於相同大小根的錯誤
#5546: 如果 scipy.sparse.linalg.expm 接收到大於 200x200 的陣列,則會引發 ValueError
#7117: 當使用 float32 輸入數據到 curve_fit 及其友函數時,警告使用者
#7906: scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline.integral 對於超出範圍的錯誤結果
#9581: 當 x 和 y 數據類型不同時,最小平方最小化靜默失敗
#9901: 從 solve_ivp 呼叫時,lsoda 無法偵測到 stiff problem
#9988: doc build 在 Sphinx 2.0.0 上損壞
#10303: BUG: optimize: linprog failing TestLinprogSimplexBland::test_unbounded_below_no_presolve_corrected
#10376: TST: Travis CI 失敗 (使用 pytest 5.0 ?)
#10384: CircleCI doc build 在新警告上失敗
#10535: TST: master branch CI 失敗
#11121: 呼叫
會增加 RAM 使用量。#11198: BUG: sparse eigs (arpack) shift-invert 針對某些 k 丟失最小特徵值
#11266: Sparse matrix constructor data type detection changes on Numpy 1.18.0
1.2.3 版本的 Pull Requests#
#9992: MAINT: Undo Sphinx pin
#10071: DOC: reconstruct SuperLU permutation matrices avoiding SparseEfficiencyWarning
#10076: BUG: optimize: fix curve_fit for mixed float32/float64 input
#10138: BUG: special: Invalid arguments to ellip_harm can crash Python.
#10306: BUG: optimize: Fix for 10303
#10309: BUG: Pass jac=None directly to lsoda
#10377: TST, MAINT: adjustments for pytest 5.0
#10379: BUG: sparse: set writeability to be forward-compatible with numpy>=1.17
#10426: MAINT: Fix doc build bugs
#10540: MAINT: Fix Travis and Circle
#10633: BUG: interpolate: integral(a, b) should be zero when both limits are outside of the interpolation range
#10833: BUG: Fix subspace_angles for complex values
#10882: BUG: sparse/arpack: fix incorrect code for complex hermitian M
#10906: BUG: sparse/linalg: fix expm for np.matrix inputs
#10961: BUG: Fix signal.unique_roots
#11126: BUG: interpolate/fitpack: fix memory leak in splprep
#11199: BUG: sparse.linalg: mistake in unsymm. real shift-invert ARPACK eigenvalue selection
#11269: Fix: Sparse matrix constructor data type detection changes on Numpy 1.18.0