#7827: ENH: sparse: overhaul of sparse matrix indexing
#8431: ENH: Cython optimize zeros api
#8743: DOC: Updated linalg.pinv, .pinv2, .pinvh docstrings
#8744: DOC: added examples to remez docstring
#9227: DOC: update description of “direc” parameter of “fmin_powell”
#9263: ENH: optimize: added “revised simplex” for scipy.optimize.linprog
#9325: DEP: Remove deprecated functions for 1.3.0
#9330: Add note on push and pull affine transformations
#9423: DOC: Clearly state how 2x2 input arrays are handled in stats.linregress
#9428: ENH: parallelised brute
#9438: BUG: Initialize coo matrix with size_t indexes
#9455: MAINT: Speed up get_(lapack,blas)_func
#9465: MAINT: Clean up optimize.zeros C solvers interfaces/code.
#9477: DOC: linalg: fix lstsq docstring on residues shape
#9478: DOC: Add docstring examples for rosen functions
#9479: DOC: Add docstring example for ai_zeros and bi_zeros
#9480: MAINT: linalg: lstsq clean up
#9489: DOC: roadmap update for changes over the last year.
#9492: MAINT: stats: Improve implementation of chi2 ppf method.
#9497: DOC: Improve docstrings sparse.linalg.isolve
#9499: DOC: Replace “Scipy” with “SciPy” in the .rst doc files for consistency.
#9500: DOC: Document the toolchain and its roadmap.
#9505: DOC: specify which definition of skewness is used
#9511: DEP: interpolate: remove deprecated interpolate_wrapper
#9517: BUG: improve error handling in stats.iqr
#9522: ENH: Add Fiedler and fiedler companion to special matrices
#9526: TST: relax precision requirements in signal.correlate tests
#9529: DOC: fix missing random seed in optimize.newton example
#9533: MAINT: Use list comprehension when possible
#9537: DOC: add a “big picture” roadmap
#9538: DOC: Replace “Numpy” with “NumPy” in .py, .rst and .txt doc files…
#9539: ENH: add two-sample test (Epps-Singleton) to scipy.stats
#9559: DOC: add section on global optimizers to tutorial
#9561: ENH: remove noprefix.h, change code appropriately
#9562: MAINT: stats: Rewrite pearsonr.
#9563: BUG: Minor bug fix Callback in linprog(method=’simplex’)
#9568: MAINT: raise runtime error for newton with zeroder if disp true,…
#9570: Correct docstring in show_options in optimize. Fixes #9407
#9573: BUG fixes range of pk variable pre-check
#9577: TST: fix minor issue in a signal.stft test.
#9580: Included blank line before list - Fixes #8658
#9582: MAINT: drop Python 2.7 and 3.4
#9588: MAINT: update `constants.astronomical_unit` to new 2012 value.
#9592: TST: Add 32-bit testing to CI
#9593: DOC: Replace cumulative density with cumulative distribution
#9596: TST: remove VC 9.0 from Azure CI
#9599: Hyperlink DOI to preferred resolver
#9601: DEV: try to limit GC memory use on PyPy
#9603: MAINT: improve logcdf and logsf of hypergeometric distribution
#9605: Reference to pylops in LinearOperator notes and ARPACK example
#9617: TST: reduce max memory usage for sparse.linalg.lgmres test
#9619: FIX: Sparse matrix addition/subtraction eliminates explicit zeros
#9621: bugfix in rv_sample in scipy.stats
#9622: MAINT: Raise error in directed_hausdorff distance
#9623: DOC: Build docs with warnings as errors
#9625: Return the number of calls to ‘hessp’ (not just ‘hess’) in trust…
#9627: BUG: ignore empty lines in mmio
#9637: Function to calculate the MAD of an array
#9646: BUG: stats: mode for objects w/ndim > 1
#9648: Add `stats.contingency` to refguide-check
#9650: ENH: many lobpcg() algorithm improvements
#9652: Move misc.doccer to _lib.doccer
#9660: ENH: add pearson, tippett, and mudholkar-george to combine_pvalues
#9661: BUG: Fix ksone right-hand endpoint, documentation and tests.
#9664: ENH: adding multi-target dijsktra performance enhancement
#9670: MAINT: link planck and geometric distribution in scipy.stats
#9676: ENH: optimize: change default linprog method to interior-point
#9685: Added reference to ndimage.filters.median_filter
#9705: Fix coefficients in expm helper function
#9711: Release the GIL during sosfilt processing for simple types
#9721: ENH: Convexhull visiblefacets
#9723: BLD: Modify rv_generic._construct_doc to print out failing distribution…
#9726: BUG: Fix small issues with `signal.lfilter’
#9729: BUG: Typecheck iterations for binary image operations
#9730: ENH: reduce sizeof(NI_WatershedElement) by 20%
#9731: ENH: remove suspicious sequence of type castings
#9739: BUG: qr_updates fails if u is exactly in span Q
#9749: BUG: MapWrapper.__exit__ should terminate
#9753: ENH: Added exact computation for Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample…
#9755: DOC: Added example for signal.impulse, copied from impulse2
#9756: DOC: Added docstring example for iirdesign
#9757: DOC: Added examples for step functions
#9759: ENH: Allow pass_zero to act like btype
#9760: DOC: Added docstring for lp2bs
#9761: DOC: Added docstring and example for lp2bp
#9764: BUG: Catch internal warnings for matrix
#9766: ENH: Speed up _gaussian_kernel1d by removing dependence on np.polynomial
#9769: BUG: Fix Cubic Spline Read Only issues
#9773: DOC: Several docstrings
#9774: TST: bump Azure CI OpenBLAS version to match wheels
#9775: DOC: Improve clarity of cov_x documentation for scipy.optimize.leastsq
#9779: ENH: dual_annealing vectorise visit_fn
#9788: TST, BUG: f2py-related issues with NumPy < 1.14.0
#9791: BUG: fix amax constraint not enforced in scalar_search_wolfe2
#9792: ENH: Allow inplace copying in place in “detrend” function
#9795: DOC: Fix/update docstring for dstn and dst
#9796: MAINT: Allow None tolerances in least_squares
#9798: BUG: fixes abort trap 6 error in scipy issue 9785 in unit tests
#9807: MAINT: improve doc and add alternative keyword to wilcoxon in…
#9808: Fix PPoly integrate and test for CubicSpline
#9810: ENH: Add the geometric standard deviation function
#9811: MAINT: remove invalid derphi default None value in scalar_search_wolfe2
#9813: Adapt hamming distance in C to support weights
#9817: DOC: Copy solver description to solver modules
#9829: ENH: Add FOH and equivalent impulse response discretizations…
#9831: ENH: Implement RotationSpline
#9834: DOC: Change mielke distribution default parameters to ensure…
#9838: ENH: Use faster solvers for firls
#9854: ENH: loadarff now supports relational attributes.
#9856: integrate.bvp - improve handling of nonlinear boundary conditions
#9862: TST: reduce Appveyor CI load
#9874: DOC: Update requirements in release notes
#9883: BUG: fixed parenthesis in spatial.rotation
#9884: ENH: Use Sparsity in Clarkson-Woodruff Sketch
#9888: MAINT: Replace NumPy aliased functions
#9892: BUG: Fix 9890 query_ball_point returns wrong result when p is…
#9893: BUG: curve_fit doesn’t check for empty input if called with bounds
#9894: scipy.signal.find_peaks documentation error
#9898: BUG: Set success attribute in OptimizeResult. See #9801
#9900: BUG: Restrict rv_generic._argcheck() and its overrides from setting…
#9906: fixed a bug in kde logpdf
#9911: DOC: replace example for “np.select” with the one from numpy…
#9912: BF(DOC): point to numpy.select instead of plain (python) .select
#9914: DOC: change ValueError message in _validate_pad of signaltools.
#9915: cKDTree query_ball_point improvements
#9918: Update ckdtree.pyx with boxsize argument in docstring
#9920: BUG: sparse: Validate explicit shape if given with dense argument…
#9924: BLD: add back pyproject.toml
#9931: Fix empty constraint
#9935: DOC: fix references for stats.f_oneway
#9936: Revert gh-9619: “FIX: Sparse matrix addition/subtraction eliminates…
#9937: MAINT: fix PEP8 issues and update to pycodestyle 2.5.0
#9939: DOC: correct `structure` description in `ndimage.label` docstring
#9940: MAINT: remove extraneous distutils copies
#9945: ENH: differential_evolution can use Bounds object
#9949: Added ‘std’ to add doctstrings since it is a `known_stats`…
#9953: DOC: Documentation cleanup for stats tutorials.
#9962: __repr__ for Bounds
#9971: ENH: Improve performance of lsmr
#9987: CI: pin Sphinx version to 1.8.5
#9990: ENH: constraint violation
#9991: BUG: Avoid inplace modification of input array in newton
#9995: MAINT: sparse.csgraph: Add cdef to stop build warning.
#9996: BUG: Make minimize_quadratic_1d work with infinite bounds correctly
#10004: BUG: Fix unbound local error in linprog - simplex.
#10007: BLD: fix Python 3.7 build with build isolation
#10009: BUG: Make sure that _binary_erosion only accepts an integer number…
#10016: Update link to airspeed-velocity
#10017: DOC: Update `interpolate.LSQSphereBivariateSpline` to include…
#10018: MAINT: special: Fix a few warnings that occur when compiling…
#10019: TST: Azure summarizes test failures
#10021: ENH: Introduce CubicHermiteSpline
#10022: BENCH: Increase cython version in asv to fix benchmark builds
#10023: BUG: Avoid exponnorm producing nan for small K values.
#10025: BUG: optimize: tweaked linprog status 4 error message
#10026: ENH: optimize: use SuiteSparse in linprog interior-point when…
#10027: MAINT: cluster: clean up the use of malloc() in the function…
#10028: Fix rotate invalid plane check
#10040: MAINT: fix pratt method of wilcox test in scipy.stats
#10041: MAINT: special: Fix a warning generated when building the AMOS…
#10044: DOC: fix up spatial.transform.Rotation docstrings
#10047: MAINT: interpolate: Fix a few build warnings.
#10051: Add project_urls to setup
#10052: don’t set flag to “converged” if max iter exceeded
#10054: MAINT: signal: Fix a few build warnings and modernize some C…
#10056: BUG: Ensure factorial is not too large in kendaltau
#10058: Small speedup in samping from ortho and special_ortho groups
#10059: BUG: optimize: fix #10038 by increasing tol
#10061: BLD: DOC: make building docs easier by parsing python version.
#10064: ENH: Significant speedup for ortho and special ortho group
#10065: DOC: Reword parameter descriptions in `optimize.root_scalar`
#10066: BUG: signal: Fix error raised by savgol_coeffs when deriv > polyorder.
#10067: MAINT: Fix the cutoff value inconsistency for pinv2 and pinvh
#10072: BUG: stats: Fix boxcox_llf to avoid loss of precision.
#10075: ENH: Add wrappers for ?syconv routines
#10076: BUG: optimize: fix curve_fit for mixed float32/float64 input
#10077: DOC: Replace undefined `k` in `interpolate.splev` docstring
#10079: DOC: Fixed typo, rearranged some doc of stats.morestats.wilcoxon.
#10080: TST: install scikit-sparse for full TravisCI tests
#10083: Clean ``_clean_inputs`` in optimize.linprog
#10088: ENH: optimize: linprog test CHOLMOD/UMFPACK solvers when available
#10090: MAINT: Fix CubicSplinerInterpolator for pandas
#10091: MAINT: improve logcdf and logsf of hypergeometric distribution
#10095: MAINT: Clean ``_clean_inputs`` in linprog
#10116: MAINT: update scipy-sphinx-theme
#10135: BUG: fix linprog revised simplex docstring problem failure