SciPy 0.18.1 版本發行說明#
SciPy 0.18.1 是一個錯誤修正版本,與 0.18.0 相比沒有新功能。
Evgeni Burovski
CJ Carey
Luca Citi +
Yu Feng
Ralf Gommers
Johannes Schmitz +
Josh Wilson
Nathan Woods
總共有 9 人為此版本做出貢獻。姓名旁有「+」號者為首次貢獻 patch。此姓名列表為自動產生,可能不完全完整。
0.18.1 版本已關閉的 issue#
#6357: scipy 0.17.1 piecewise cubic hermite interpolation does not return…
#6420: circmean() changed behaviour from 0.17 to 0.18
#6421: scipy.linalg.solve_banded overwrites input ‘b’ when the inversion…
#6425: cKDTree INF bug
#6435: scipy.stats.ks_2samp returns different values on different computers
#6458: Error in scipy.integrate.dblquad when using variable integration…
0.18.1 版本的 pull request#
#6405: BUG: sparse: fix elementwise divide for CSR/CSC
#6431: BUG: result for insufficient neighbours from cKDTree is wrong.
#6432: BUG Issue #6421: scipy.linalg.solve_banded overwrites input ‘b’…
#6455: DOC: add links to release notes
#6462: BUG: interpolate: fix .roots method of PchipInterpolator
#6492: BUG: Fix regression in dblquad: #6458
#6543: fix the regression in circmean
#6545: Revert gh-5938, restore ks_2samp
#6557: Backports for 0.18.1