- scipy.linalg.lapack.zlarf(v, tau, c, work[, side, incv, overwrite_c]) = <fortran function zlarf>#
的包裝函式。- 參數:
- vinput rank-1 array(‘D’) with bounds ((side == ‘L’?1 - abs(incv) + m * abs(incv):1 - abs(incv) + n * abs(incv)))
- tauinput complex
- cinput rank-2 array(‘D’) with bounds (m,n)
- workinput rank-1 array(‘D’) with bounds (lwork)
- 返回:
- crank-2 array(‘D’) with bounds (m,n)
- 其他參數:
- sideinput bytes, optional
Default: ‘L’
- incvinput int, optional
Default: 1
- overwrite_cinput int, optional
Default: 0